Grand Opening Pros
When you open a new business, or buy a business and want to do a
re-opening event, turn to the professionals at
With the click of a button, we will help organize an amazing
Grand Opening celebration while you focus on your business.
Ribbon Cutting Services
Grand Opening Packages
Re-Opening Packages
Full Community Coverage
To generate local business, establish relationships and commemorate the grand opening, we will:
- Coordinate all details of a ribbon cutting with the local Chamber of Commerce (*once membership is paid for by franchise owner)
- Secure local dignitaries to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony (if available)
- Purchase light refreshments and soft drinks for attendees to enjoy following the ceremony (*franchise owner to receive and set up the refreshments for service) -$250 credit included
- Provide festive balloon arrangement to be included in ribbon cutting photos -$250 credit included
- Secure one local influencer partner to attend and share about the ribbon cutting on their social channels (if available)
- Draft opening press release
- Pitch press release and ribbon-cutting photo to local/regional media for potential coverage
- Radio (coordinate up to 2 promotions)-Gift card giveaways provided by franchise owner
- Influencers (coordinate up to 2 additional influencers for complimentary experience/review)
- Reporting
Suggested Price
Community Coverage
To generate local business, establish relationships and commemorate the grand opening, we will:
- Coordinate all details of a ribbon cutting with the local Chamber of Commerce (*once membership is paid for by franchise owner)
- Secure local dignitaries to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony (if available)
- Purchase light refreshments and soft drinks for attendees to enjoy following the ceremony (*franchise owner to receive and set up the refreshments for service) -$150 credit included
- Provide festive balloon arrangement to be included in ribbon cutting photos -$250 credit included
- Secure one local influencer partner to attend and share about the ribbon cutting on their social channels (if available)
- Draft opening press release
- Pitch press release and ribbon-cutting photo to local/regional media for potential coverage
- Reporting
Suggested Price
Grand Opening in a Box
To generate local business, establish relationships and commemorate the grand opening, we will:
- Provide oversized scissors and ribbon to franchise to host their own ribbon cutting
- Draft opening press release
- Pitch press release to local/regional media for potential coverage
- Influencers (coordinate up to 2 influencers for complimentary experience/review)
- Radio (coordinate up to 2 promotions)-Gift card giveaways provided by franchise owner
- Reporting
(-DIY Ribbon Cutting)
Suggested Price